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Providing Industry 4.0

Capability for Materials

Use the Insitucloud with the Vision MARK-1 to instantly access materials measurement data. 


View material behavior patterns in your process to take control and make better decisions in your facility.

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What is the Insitucloud?

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Innovative methods that improve the use of materials

The Insitucloud works hand-in-hand with the Vision MARK-1 and syncs all material measurements instantly to a secure database that will organize your measurement data to show patterns and changes in their behaviors which provide a clear sense of how to take control of your materials and make better decisions in your facility.


The Insitucloud provides multiple features such as benchmarking, global alerts, and a materials database to enable you to: 

  • Understand how your use of materials fit into the global marketplace by integrating best practices

  • Learn to make better informed decisions in your facility by tracking global material shifts in concert with local material shifts

  • Gain access to up-to-date electronics related materials behavior data with materials selection optimization based on your environment and use requirements

  • And more


Insitucloud Features

Innovative methods that improve the use of materials
Insitucloud Features
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